
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mojo Monday ~ Corita Kent


'The Revolution introduced me to art, and in turn, art introduced me to the Revolution!'
~ Albert Einstein

Corita Kent nun



Kent’s “Love” stamp and Kent and other teachers in her print making workshop.
Kent’s “Love” stamp and Kent and other teachers in her print making workshop.



Learn more about Corita Kent here.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Mojo Monday ~ Impermanence

Impermanence expresses the Buddhist notion
that everything is constantly in flux.  

Cultivating an acceptance of the transitory nature
of our current situation helps us deal with change and loss.

Sharon Marroquin
Sharon Marroquin

On January 8, 2010 Sharon Marroquin received a phone call that informed her she had breast cancer.  Twenty-six months, three surgeries, sixteen chemotherapy treatments and thirty radiation treatments later, she wanted to make sense of the journey.  Confronted with her mortality, angered and frustrated over her inability to handle the disintegration of her body, Sharon Marroquin begins to consciously deal with it through art and decides to create a dance called “Materiality of Impermanence”. Through the creation of the dance, Sharon escapes to another realm that is not confined by physical limitations, disease, childrearing, teaching and running a home. “Foreign Puzzle” is a visual testimony of the transcending power of the human spirit.

Please watch this brief video introduction about Sharon and the "Materiality of Impermanence."

“When I saw the photos they were beautiful,
it was a turning point because I realized that this horrible
thing happening to me had some beauty in it
and that’s when I started thinking I could make a
dance about this so that people outside of myself
could see both the ravages of what one has to go through
but also the beauty that’s within the human spirit”
~ Sharon Marroquin
Face to face with mortality- Sharon MarroquĂ­n
Face to face with mortality - Sharon Marroquin

"I have to learn to surrender to this journey
and to use it as an opportunity for growth, for learning..."
~ Sharon Marroquin

Video clips from the performance
"The Materiality of Impermanence"


From Mandalas & Meditations for Everyday Living:
52 Pathways to Personal Power
by Cassandra Lorius

"Because nothing lasts, our natural reaction is to grasp on to people or experiences, but this can lead to emotional suffering.  It is more healthy to learn to remain open to what comes into our lives and accept the situation when it leaves.  We can become more adaptable and appreciative of the present moment.  To do this, try to drop illusions and expectations, such as the direction of our own life and career, how we have imagined our parents' and siblings' life stories, our relationships, the need for someone to love us unconditionally and take care of us, our religious certainties, the kind of people we prefer our children to grow into, or our assumptions about health and longevity."

Meditations on Impermanence

1 Think back to a time when you became aware you were holding on to an illusion.  Recall your discovery that it was just an illusion, and remember how that felt.

2 Think about the new awareness that must have created the conditions for your realization that it was an illusion.  What was the scenario that unfolded?

3 Relive the release when these illusions were dissolved.

4 Become aware of the spaciousness and sense of freedom you have when you live without illusions.

5 Let go of each and every one of your illusions, releasing them into the vast space of the universe.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Courage Doesn't Always Roar

Courage doesn't always roar

Sometimes courage is the quiet voice

at the end of the day saying,

"I will try again tomorrow."

Want to be part of makingdreams come true and 
sharing inspirational messages?  

Why Mary Anne and Applied Insight
Need Your Help

Mary Anne is ready to inspire future generations with fresh work and delightful new energy (because evidently a quarter century of art and verses and a dozen books later she hasn't even scratched the surface). So, she's creating a new studio and artistic space in her home where she can host retreats and workshops and artists (oh my!), and where she can birth another glorious array of ideas and insights, art and words, to inspire generations to come.

She calls the new space "The APRON-AERIE," where she dons boldly-colored aprons (often polka-dotted in nature) to create and inspire and to support others in doing the same. THAT's what Kickstarter will help her do. One of our fabulous Kickstarter rewards levels gives you and a friend a 5-night, 6-day opportunity to spend uninterrupted time in the APRON-AERIE with customized artistic guidance from Mary Anne, enjoying rest, relaxation, creativity, and million-dollar views from her lovely studio and home on Whidbey Island. But there are so many more ways you can enjoy and celebrate her work.

Mary Anne Radmacher Apron-Aerie

Because while she's doing all of that, the Applied Insight team will be busily bringing all of her inspiring new work to the world. In the form of cards and journals, art and affirmations--whatever touchstones will help people remember to act boldly, embrace courage, and live with intention. To do this, our Kickstarter campaign will help launch an exquisite new line of wall art, journals, stationery, and quote cards that people have been asking for (ok, demanding) for many, many months. Mary Anne creates. We bring it to the world. You love it (and live it) every day. Everyone wins.

Those who have followed Mary Anne's career know that she is far more inclined to ask for help for others (and often does so with grace and compassion). Applied Insight knows this about her and we are asking for help on behalf of this whole endeavor.

It takes courage
to change your style,
your opinion,
the path you walk,
your hat!

It takes courage to let go
of the weighty parts of your past.
It takes courage to find your own voice.
It takes courage to reinvent joys,
to reinvent opportunities,
to reinvent dreams,
to reinvent connections...
to reinvent hopes that you have set aside.

There are only 7 days left to reachthe Kickstarter fundraising goaland they are over half way there!

The goal is $43,700 and they have
reach $25,755 as of November 1st.
They must reach the goal by 4:52 pm next Saturday, Nov 8th

If they don't reach the goal
they will not receive any of the funds.

Giving is easy and a joyful experience.
Be a part of making dreams come true
and ensuring that Mary Anne Radmacher's 
inspirational words continue to be 
spread far and wide.

You can also receive beautiful gifts
in return for your giving,
come learn more by visiting
the Kickstarter page here.

Courage doesn't always roar 

It takes courage
to recognize that rigid habit inhibits
It takes courage to accept
that the way you "have always been"
does not determine the way you are.

It takes courage
to stand in a place you didn't know existed...
and learn from a view
you previously couldn't imagine.

It takes courage to let go
of your assumptions
and fly you dreams as a 
soaring invitation to become the best
version of yourself.

It takes courage to stand for your convictions.
It takes courage to give up control
and it takes courage to recognize
you are perfect just the way you are.
Change of any sort, requires courage...
Courage to write a new story of your life
with the pen of each day...
of every moment.

Tell yourself this little story when you need it - 
"I have the courage to stand in whatever
the weather brings...
and understand that everything is washable.
Everything is fixable
and everything is replaceable
but by time and breath."