
Sunday, February 22, 2009


Breathing Exercise ~

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Breathe out. Take another deep breath. Breathe it all out. Again another deep breath. Breathe it all out.

Continue the deep breaths in and out. Slowly as you do this begin to feel that with each breath in you are drawing in wisdom, support, guidance, inner-knowing, serenity and love.

If you are holding onto any anxiety or fears at this time begin to feel that with each breathe out you are releasing your anxiety. You are releasing your fear. Let it go. Let the anxiety and fear drift away. See it become as light as a feather, float up and dissipate.

As you breathe out any anxiety and fear continue to breathe in all the support and love you need and deserve and remind yourself of the strong and powerful woman you are today – right now.

As you continue to breathe in and out I also invite you to conjure up an image of yourself as a little girl. Picture yourself if you can as you were at a favorite age. Think back to a time when you loved to play. Consider what made you happy as a child. Maybe it was riding your bike, running or building things. Perhaps you loved to read and make up your own stories. You might have loved to perform for others or just yourself and you sang or danced or played an instrument. You might have found joy in being a caretaker of animals or you found you loved to color and paint. Think back to what brought your spirit joy.

As you continue to breathe I ask you to remember and hold on to that image today. That little girl is still inside you. She is still very present. She hasn’t ever left you. And as you continue to breathe remember that she is still with you.

As you breathe I invite you to now return to the present you, the adult you. Breathe in and out and know that you are a strong and powerful woman now. You may not always feel powerful but you are. You are a strong and powerful woman. You are the creator of your life. Breathe in all the support and love you need and deserve and remind yourself of the strong and powerful woman you are today, right now.

Let us all take one last breath in and then release.

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