
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mojo Monday ~ Blessing

A blessing, (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something with holiness, divine will, or one's hope or approval.

Here is a beautiful blessing I heard for the first time this weekend.

Pueblo Blessing

Hold on to what is good
Even if it is a handful of earth

Hold on to what you believe
Even if it is a tree that stands by itself

Hold on to what you must do
Even if it is a long way from here

Hold on to life
Even if it is easier to let go

Hold on to my hand
Even if I have gone away from you

Blessings appear in many different forms and exist in most, if not all, cultures.

Here is a beautiful Irish Blessing.

Lastly here is an artistic depiction of a blessing by Visionary Artist Willow Arlenea.

 The artist's description of the painting: "An elder woman is blessing a young woman during a coming-of-age ritual. While bathing in the cleansing springs words of advise and support are offered to her. The elder woman channels cosmic energy from the source through her bowl of flower petals. This energy spirals around the maiden, protecting and supporting her through this transition."

Write a blessing for something or someone in your life and share it here.

Perhaps you already have a favorite blessing and you would like to share it.

How do you feel you have been blessed?

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