
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mojo Monday ~ Love

Love may well be one of the most written about, most discussed, most sung about, most pursued experiences of all time.

Take a moment to consider what the Beatles thought about love in this video:

Or consider what Engelbert Humperdinck has to say about love in the song Love Is A Many Splendored Thing:

Even the Bible provides a very detailed description of love:

How do you define Love?
Have you experienced one or more love stories in your life?
Do you have a favorite quote about love? What about a love poem?
Have you every written a love letter?
Have you read any good books about love?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

There is an author named Gary Chapman who has written a number of books about love. A few of the titles are: The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts and The Five Love Languages of Children.

Gary Chapman worked as a marriage counselor for more than 30 years and during the course of his work he identified five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

Whether or not you are in a relationship or are a parent it can be interesting to explore and discover your own love language. Do words of affirmation from a friend or loved one make you feel loved? Perhaps someone spending time with you is how you prefer him or her to show their love. It could be that flowers or a thoughtful gift mean a lot or someone doing a kind act and helping you with something touches your heart. You could also be a person who needs hugs and kisses to know that someone loves you. Quite often most people are a combination of two, three or more. Learning the love language of those around you can be very helpful in understanding what others need in order to feel loved.

I leave you with two final thoughts.

One is a beautiful quote by Shiloh Sophia McCloud and it graces many of her works of art and publications ~ "May love be at the center of all our choices."

And the last is my belief that there is something greater than us all in this world. There is some spirit, magic, energy, what have you, that connects us, that links us, it is that Red Thread that is woven through the Universe, it is that which links us to one another, and when we are connecting to that higher place of consciousness, permeating throughout that magical woven web of spirit, is LOVE.

Remember always that…

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