
Friday, January 14, 2011

The Self-Worth Project

Photographer Tommy Corey

"The Self-Worth Project is a photo documentation of people expressing their deepest and most vulnerable fears and insecurities.  Through this project and our insecuritites, we hope to bring people together by showing you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE."

"We are all human, we all have insecurities, and through those we can start to form an understanding of one another, despite our race, gender, orientations, backgrounds and affiliations."
"Specifically, the Self-Worth Project looks to open up conversations with young people about the increasingly hostile environment in schools today. Whether young people have felt bullied, ostracized, or ridiculed, SWP would like to recognize that this kind of derisive—and sometimes violent—behavior amongst youth is a growing problem. And while ending bullying would be ideal, the important message of finding help, feeling supported, and not being alone is imperative."

A special showing of the Self Worth Project will take place on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 in Redding, California at the Cascade Theater.  Click here for theater information.

More photos from the project:

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