
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mojo Monday ~ Art to Make You Swoon

Tree of Life Mosaic by Laurie Mika
Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. ~ Thomas Merton

I love stumbling upon "new-to-me" artists whose work calls to me seductively or whose creations seize me by the shoulders and I want to fall to my knees with the word "WOW" echoing again and again from my parting lips.  When I walked into Shiloh Sophia McCloud's Wisdom House gallery in the summer of 2008, while I didn't drop to my knees, I was drawn to the gallery like a bee to honey and the only word that came out of my mouth for a couple of minutes was indeed "WOW!"

I was in Aaron Brothers perusing canvases in order to take advantage of the buy one get one for a penny deal and I was rather in the mood to turn my little shopping expedition into an artist date, so I stopped by the book section to take a look.  I came across a book that blew my mind.  It is called Mixed Media Mosaics by Laurie Mika.  I was entranced.  I restrained myself from buying the $22.00 book, but I did take some photos of it and then immediately googled the artist on my iPhone to be sure she had a web site and also ensure that I could spend a lot more time in the near future gawking at her astounding creations.  

Guardian Angel by Laurie Mika

Page from Laurie Mika's book
Page from Laurie Mika's book

Another artist who leaves me marveling is Krista Lynn Brown.  Krista and I became Facebook friends before I really knew about her amazing art.  She is another one of my favorites now and I love it when she shares what she is currently working on on her Facebook page. 

Krista's art show display at the Oregon Country Fair

Night Blossom Medicine

Cracking Open the Imagination

The last artist I would like to introduce is Kelly Rae Roberts.  I love how Kelly combines her art with inspirational words.  As an art and word person I simply love bringing the two together. She also has a book available that isn't just about art.  She really pours her heart and soul into the book and provides a lot of personal inspiration to her readers.

Are there any particular artists that make you swoon?

Do you have any images or website links to share?

Is there a certain style that draws you in?
What connection do you feel to the art you admire?


  1. Wonderful art. I especially like the image of the art all displayed together. It really shows how each piece belongs to a greater vision.
    Some Artists I find inspiring are Autumn Rozario-Hall at and Amy Sol also on facebook.

  2. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. I love discovering new artists. Thank you so much for the recommendations. I will pop over to check them out!

  3. buy weed online
    Awesome work you did. Want to make like this one soon
