
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mojo Monday ~ The Dressing Room Project

Need a little pick-me-up today? Feeling a bit down on yourself? Has the critical monster in your head been picking away at your self-esteem when you look in the mirror?

Well it is time to pick yourself up. It is time to start feeling good about yourself. And it is way over time to banish that critical monster in your head to a closet where you will lock it in and throw away the key!

How does one accomplish this? Well a first step is to look around for some inspiration and some feel good messages! A perfect place to find just that is by visiting the web site for The Dressing Room Project.

This is how the project describes itself on it's web site:

"The Dressing Room Project is a girl-powered rebellion to free girls & women from the bonds of media-imposed standards of beauty! We’re posting our girl-designed cards on mirrors in women’s dressing rooms everywhere to help girls & women feel more comfortable in our uniquely beautiful bodies."

The story behind the project:
The Dressing Room Project is the brainchild of Mimi Kates, founder and director of Emerging Women Projects (EWP), a non profit organization for teen girls' empowerment. Girls in the program were getting angry about mainstream media's portrayal of women. These unrealistic ideals contribute to the prevalence of negative self-image, eating disorders and other unhealthy behaviors in girls and women. They decided to take positive action and launched this social change initiative in the year 2000.

What began as a small grassroots project has now grown to include thousands nationally who participate through posting their cards in stores and starting DRP Action Teams to promote the movement.  They  have over 200 Action Teams in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, United Kingdom, West Africa and Australia. 

Above are more samples of the cards youth have created as part of the project.  You can download the cards so that you can print them at home. Click here for the page where the link is available. They are perfect for taping on your mirrors, public mirrors and in dressing rooms.

You may also submit your own design! Use a 3 x 5 card and either mail it to The Dressing Room Project or scan it (at 300 dpi) and send it via email.  Please include your name, age and state (or country if not USA.)

If you visit the site be sure to take a look at the Resource page that is called "Sisters In Beauty Rebellion." They also have a fun collection of shirts, buttons, caps, tote bags and more in the on-line Goodies Page.

Design your own dressing room card right now.  What images are you including...stars, moons, hearts, sacred hearts, flowers, spirals, rainbows....??? 

What does it say?

For extra cosmic bonus points share a link to your design.  

For even more extra cosmic bonus points send your design onto the Dressing Room Project.

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