
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mojo Monday ~ Happy 2nd Birthday

Mojo Monday was born in May 2010.  This May we are celebrating Mojo Monday's 2nd Birthday! How the time has flown on by.  This Red Boa blog existed prior to the Mojo Monday posts beginning, but it was an addition that brought a consistent voice to this blog.  Mojo Monday was actually created for the Cosmic Cowgirls private member site.  Posts that appear here also appear just for members on The Rodeo of the Soul.  I have learned a great deal from these writing experiences.  Some of my aha moments include the following:

  • When you have a dream or goal you need to set aside the time to do the work to reach those dreams and goals.  For example if you want to be a writer you have to write.     
  • Trust that commitment and applied discipline to a regular practice can feel good and can build your confidence to say “YES” to other opportunities.
  • Learn to let go of expectations and focus on the writing journey. 
  • Be engaged and interested in what you are writing.
  • If you want to write a book, start a blog and begin to create a writing presence in the world.  Breathing life into a project is an important step in the process.

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